2 Strategies for
In your business...and beyond.
Our Expertise?
A Business Strategy that Wins Great
Customers, A GiveBack Strategy That Changes The Game.
Carter Schelling, Chairman of the 3655 Consultancy works with owners who want to build a Great Company that serves Great Customers and then GRADUATE (not "Retire") and "Change The Game" in an area of GiveBack that compels them to take action.

Get More Customers
Like Your Best Customers
If you offer customers something Extra your competitors don't provide, we can help you use our Hero Customer Strategy to find and win more Great Customers who will reward you for that Extra.
And neither you nor your competitors have ever seen anything like it before.
CLICK HERE To Learn What It IsChange The Game In GiveBack
Many successful owners get restless after achieving the goals of their youth. They’ve won Life’s Biggest Game and now they see no new challenge on the horizon that can match it for excitement. When we introduce them to Life’s Greater Game they discover, finally, after all these years, the feeling that "This is what I was put here to do!".
CLICK HERE To Learn What It Is
Classic Sources of Inspiration
Amazing stories of Extraordinary Achievement
throughout the Business Owners' LifeCycle.

Are you inspired to learn more?
A few minutes on the phone with Carter will tell you if we can help you reach your goals. Enter your name and email and we can talk by the end of the day.